
锂离子电池的普及推动了对阴极材料需求的增长。 就干燥工艺而言,Fibrothal® 加热模块可实现出色的热量均匀分布,并且可以快速安装。

CaptionDaniel Burton, Business Development Manager, KanthalGas burners have long been the traditional choice of heating solution for ladle preheating. This is despite their poor thermal efficiency since most of the heat generated is lost through exhaust gasses rather than used to heat the actual ladle. Not only does this increase energy costs, but also results in high emissions.

“With gas burners, you’re releasing all these poisonous gasses into the factory and into the atmospheres, such as carbon dioxide, monoxide and nitrous oxides,” says Daniel Burton, Business Development Manager, Kanthal. “This is not only harmful for the environment but also creates a potentially hazardous working environment inside the factory.”

A cleaner, more efficient alternative

By replacing gas burners with electric heating, such as Kanthal’s Tubothal® and Kanthal® Flow Heater, aluminum producers can benefit from a huge improvement in thermal efficiency.

By replacing gas burners with electric heating, such as Kanthal’s Tubothal® and Kanthal® Flow Heater, aluminum producers can benefit from a huge improvement in thermal efficiency – from around 40 per cent up to over 95 per cent. This translates into an energy saving of around 60 per cent. Furthermore, all exhaust gasses and emissions are reduced to virtually zero.

“There are a whole host of environmental benefits to electric heating, namely the elimination of carbon dioxide emissions. But it also makes the factory a much safer, cleaner and quieter work environment,” adds Daniel. “You’re removing all the harmful gasses as well as reducing the noise levels significantly. On top of that, you can also free up a lot of space on the factory floor as you no longer need to reroute gas pipes and so on.”

使用 Fibrothal® 进行阴极干燥的三大好处

  • 与金属元件和纤维毯相比,安装速度更快
  • 与类似的加热解决方案相比,具有出色的温度均匀性
  • 提供全球支持,包括安装服务



Tubothal® 加热元件(1)

Tubothal® 加热元件(1)

Metallic heating elements of cartridge element type designed for long life and trouble-free service. Tubothal® elements can be used inside all types of radiant tubes or as stand-alone elements.






铝对现代社会至关重要,并将在未来的可持续应用中发挥重要作用。 随着该行业致力于减轻对气候的影响,电气化解决方案有助于减少排放量并减轻对化石燃料的依赖。 国际铝业协会副秘书长兼可持续发展总监 Pernelle Nunez 如是说。

行业展望: 未来方向是电气化

行业展望: 未来方向是电气化

工业过程中的电加热对于实现全球各地设定的雄心勃勃的气候目标 至关重要 。 成 功的关键是提高获得 绿色能源的能力。
