
随着全球锂离子电池产量的持续增长,对高质量阳极材料的需求也将持续增长。 阳极制造商面临的压力越来越大,采用维护要求很低且寿命长久的加热元件执行可靠加热工艺的需求也在增长。

CaptionDaniel Burton, Business Development Manager, KanthalIn aluminum production, filter units are vital for removing impurities from the final product. Before coming into contact with molten aluminum, each filter needs to be completely dried and preheated in order to avoid thermal shock or blockages caused by cooled aluminum.

“Traditionally this has been done using gas burners heaters, however they have a number of disadvantages,” says Daniel Burton, Business Development Manager, Kanthal. “Their thermal efficiency is quite poor, and they can also produce water vapor – which is something we need to remove in the drying process to eliminate any risk of explosion.”

In addition, gas burners generate carbon emissions and other exhaust gasses, which are not only bad for the environment but can also contribute to a hazardous workplace in the factory.

Same performance but with increased efficiency

The Kanthal® Flow Heater can provide the same temperatures and control as gas burners, but because it’s powered by electricity, its efficiency is vastly improved.

The Kanthal® Flow Heater can provide the same temperatures and control as gas burners, but because it’s powered by electricity, its efficiency is vastly improved. Virtually all the heat produced is used on the filter instead of being lost in exhaust gasses, and no water vapor is produced in the preheating process.

“By switching from gas to electric heating, you can greatly reduce the CO2 emissions from the process, as well as eliminate all the other harmful pollutants like nitro oxide,” adds Daniel Burton. “Combined with the reduced risk of explosion and lower noise levels, this also contributes to a far safer and more pleasant environment inside the factory.”

使用 Kanthal 加热解决方案制造阳极材料的三大好处

  • 元件寿命更长。 在采用石墨的阳极材料生产中,Globar® HDP SiC 加热元件的寿命是传统技术的两倍。
  • 可定制设计。 您可利用 Kanthal 的丰富经验和专业知识,定制设计适合您工艺的加热元件。
  • 全球技术支持。 我们为确保运行可靠和无需维护而提供持续支持。








铝对现代社会至关重要,并将在未来的可持续应用中发挥重要作用。 随着该行业致力于减轻对气候的影响,电气化解决方案有助于减少排放量并减轻对化石燃料的依赖。 国际铝业协会副秘书长兼可持续发展总监 Pernelle Nunez 如是说。

行业展望: 未来方向是电气化

行业展望: 未来方向是电气化

工业过程中的电加热对于实现全球各地设定的雄心勃勃的气候目标 至关重要 。 成 功的关键是提高获得 绿色能源的能力。
