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Do you want a career and a workplace dominated by great team spirit and problem solving in the everyday work? Meet process engineers Bryony Harper and Helena Lockie that both chose a career at Kanthal, a company they had never heard of.

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Life at Kanthal

During her first decade at Kanthal in Shanghai, Eva Huang has benefited from the solutions-focused culture and advanced to Operations Manager. For those at the start of their careers, she has valuable advice: “Trust your colleagues, trust your boss, and trust yourself.”

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在与制造领域同事的日常沟通中,Petter Lindblom 结合他的研究和工艺工程经验,帮助改进了 Kanthal 陶瓷加热元件的生产。 注重细节是关键。 “材料会讲故事。”Petter 说。
